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mental health and addictions crisis number

Partner Assault Response

Partner Assault Response (PAR) programs, a component of Ontario’s Domestic Violence Court program, are specialized counselling and educational services offered by community-based agencies to people who have assaulted their partners.  Offenders are ordered to attend the PAR program by the court.  PAR programs aim to enhance victim safety and hold offenders accountable for their behaviour. They are funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General.

The 16-week long program gives offenders the opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic abuse, and to learn non-abusive ways of resolving conflict.

While an offender is in the PAR program, staff offer their partner help with safety planning, referrals to community resources, and information about the offender's progress.


Programs are coordinated through the following locations:


25 Front Ave. W.
Brockville, Ontario  K6V 4J2
Phone: (613) 342-6214 ext. 5319

Perth Site (serving Lanark County)

29 Herriott St. Apt 2A
Perth, Ontario  K7H 1T3
Phone: (613) 326-0628
Fax: (613) 326-0627

PAR has the following objectives for each participant:

  1. To assist in identifying acts of violence as a way of controlling his/her partner’s actions, thoughts and feelings.
  2. To challenge participants to change by examining the negative impact of the behaviours on the partner, children and him/herself.
  3. To increase understanding of the causes of abuse by examining the societal context in which using violence towards a partner is learned.
  4. To assist in acknowledging abuse and assuming responsibility for  actions and the impact of abuse on children.     

Partner Contact

As part of the client’s participation in the program, current and (where applicable) previous partners will be contacted to discuss and review safety issues.  This is also an opportunity to discuss program issues and content, as well as provide information re: local services for victims of violence.

 Subject to partner’s consent, additional contacts by the program staff are available. All contacts would typically be made by someone other than the leaders of the group.  Should a partner express an interest further information/contacts, follow-up phone calls are provided, as well as an information package (containing local service agencies, court information., emergency numbers, etc.)

Partners are also made aware of the client’s start and completion dates, as well as any sessions unattended.   At any time, partners of the program participants may initiate the contacts.

Program Content

Topics include:

  • The Impact of Abuse on Partners and Children Who Witness
  • Emotion Management
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Self-talk and Distorted Thinking Awareness
  • Beliefs and Attitudes about Men and Women, particularly in a relationship
  • Empathy Skills Development
  • Conflict Evolution Skills Building
  • Case Illustrations (via videos)
  • Power and Control Issues
  • Healthy Relationship Interaction Skills Building



United Way Leeds & Grenville         Ontario ministry of the Attorney General         Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care         Ontario South East Local Health Integration Network