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Meet Our Board

Thank you to the local volunteers who share their time and expertise as members of the LLGAMH Board of Directors.

As a governance Board, these committed volunteers are responsible for key areas such as strategic planning, quality, CEO oversight and financial stewardship. The Board is representative of all communities across Lanark, Leeds and Grenville and their unique health care needs. 

Our Directors:

  • Shelley Bacon - Chair, Resources Committee
  • Carole Dufort
  • Roger Haley - Board Chair
  • Ron Holman
  • Paul Howard
  • Dr. Alison Inglis
  • Lyndon Murdock
  • Katherine Parker
  • David Price - Board Vice Chair & Chair, Quality Committee
  • Todd Robertson
  • David Weger - Chair, Governance Committee

Our Community Representatives:

  • Tamara Baldwin
  • Greg Best

View detailed board profiles



United Way Leeds & Grenville         Ontario ministry of the Attorney General         Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care         Ontario South East Local Health Integration Network